Anja Beaver Hair
I was looking into new hairstyles lately and I have tried some of those make-over sites online before but it never really worked. I'm happy to say that I found the InStyle Hollywood Make-Over which works like a charm and while working on your new hairdo and/or make-up, you'll get some good laughs out of it as well. The Gosselin Beaver Hair is a total 'favorite' at this time, but I think I should probably look into the Palin as well.
While researching this hairdo I found an article stating that the 'Kate Gosselin Halloween “attacked by a beaver” wig was sold out' for Halloween 2009. How could I have missed this...
If you don't know what this all is most likely don't watch a lot of TV and live a happy life...
I really recommend looking into the InStyle Hollywood Make-Over though. It's fun to try different hair colors and cuts and it can be laugh-out-loud funny as you can see.
Try it and let me know what you think...