October Wedding in Clovis, California
Yeah, it was time for a wedding again. I love weddings - oh how I love weddings. I appreciate the festivities so much more after planning my own wedding for over a year. Before I was there for the party, the food, the music and to party with the couple but now I soak everything in and enjoy every minute of it. I look for the details now and appreciate all the hard work (and money!) that was put into such a big party.Anyway - we started our weekend trip to Fresno California with the weather for the town of Clovis saying it's 'dusty' - literally. I have never seen that before and me and the hubby had a good laugh about it. Sunglasses for sure if not a full mask or something...I have to say - I really don't like these tiny little machines with 10-20 people on it that take you to Fresno. Everything rattles and the noise changes constantly - it just makes me soo nervous. If I can't stand up straight on the plane - I'm already nervous.
The location was really stunning - right at the lake.
The couple looked so stunning and happy. The family and friends were so happy and the weather couldn't have been better in early October.
I was able to catch this pretty flower and the flag around the estate.
The picture of those fabulous 'wedding cake' cupcakes might be my favorite of the day. Is that wrong? :))
The cake topper is really cute, I remember looking at this one when we were looking for one.
The happy and very good-looking Newlyweds
The table names were countries or places that the couple has visited. We were seated at the Germany table - it could not have been better. :D
She looked really pretty in the dress - a great fit for her.
Very pretty view once the sun went down
The 'First Dance' moment is always so cute. Great picture - so emotional.
Total happiness....
After nightfall there was no holding us back. The costume box came out - what a surprise and everybody had a blast. Am I wearing 'mickey mouse ears'? I might be...