29 weeks

Wednesday, January 30, 2013 Anya 0 Comments

Super Bowl Weekend was a lot of fun. I decided to contribute 'Pizza Broetchen' - German pizza baguettes and we had a great time at our friends house. Aaaah, food - one of my favorite subjects during this pregnancy. It's hard to imagine this kind of hunger when you are not pregnant.

One of my least favorite things was the glucose testing. I was nervous about the one-hour glucose testing already since the only thing that kept me from feeling nauseous first thing in the morning was to eat as soon as I open my eyes. With the Glucose Tolerance Test they said I don't have to fast, but I could - I figured it would be better to fast and go in first thing in the morning. The thought of drinking the sugary solution on an empty stomach was no fun but I actually managed better than I thought. They let you pick your flavor and then I sat there in the waiting room for a full hour to get my blood drawn afterwards. Unfortunately the result came back a 143 and they were looking for up to 130 which meant that I now had to go to get the 3-hour Glucose testing done. And I was so happy to made it through the 1-hour, haha.

Oh well....shortly afterwards I was hit by a cold that just didn't want to go away and actually stayed with me for about 2 weeks. Interestingly enough even a cold can't kill a pregnant woman's appetite. :) It just makes breathing harder while eating.

The nursery renovation is still in progress and now that the French Doors were installed they are being painted white. Here is a little update on the nursery at this point:

More updates to follow soon. :)


26 weeks

Friday, January 11, 2013 Anya 0 Comments

Yes, I'm still completely behind on my pregnancy board updates here, I know! I promised to get better and then the renovation, visitor, party and moving rooms up and down adventure started. My To-do list is still really long but we are finally getting somewhere. We switched office and bedroom locations over the last two weekends and this means disassembling everything in each room and re-assembling it again. While we are at it, we also switched the bathrooms and I fell into a major nesting phase - meaning I re-organized everything and added plastic boxes and shelves etc. I think we are both nesting....

The baby preparation class was interesting for sure. Most couples were ahead of  us at the time when we took the class and the amount of information is somewhat overwhelming. It helps to feel more prepared even though I'm not sure that I'll remember any of it when the time comes.

I have to say that the second trimester in retrospect definitely was the most comfortable one. The nausea was   lighter and the exhaustion had left. I'm not (at 34 weeks) back in full fledged exhaustion, not to mention all the parts of my body that hurt in some way or another. I am certainly slowing down now and expect to spend the majority of my time at home in the coming weeks while 'getting ready' physically and mentally. :) Still a lot of books to read to prepare.

If you haven't heard from me in a while - I truly apologize. I'm growing a baby and it takes more energy and effort of preparation than I had anticipated.

As for the coming weeks - we are just continuing to get ready. Nothing special happening around here lately - just full blown nesting mode.