8 weeks

Friday, October 12, 2012 Anya 0 Comments

Yes, it's been a while and this post is kind of late in time. Nevertheless it's a happy post. Pregnancy is a whole new adventure and it's still a little hard to comprehend that this is actually happening.
I had my heart set on trying to take pictures every week/every other week and write down a whole lot about the experience, however 'morning sickness' has kicked my butt the last couple of weeks and taking pictures all of a sudden was not a priority anymore. I'm glad to say that now at 13 weeks things seem to ease up a bit, even though I'm still gagging a whole lot. I guess I have enough energy to post the first pictures and that's a good thing.

The first OB visit was such a sweet day for us. It's hard that we had to wait for weeks for the first appointment. It's kind of nerve-racking to not know what is going on and whether everything is ok. Due to all my sympthoms it's not like I was doubting there was a baby in there, however it still is a big relief to see the little soul on screen for the first time.

We were surprised and in awe about the detail at 8 weeks. The heartbeat was a big highlight of course and puts the nerves at ease a little more. It was noted that my uterus is oddly shaped....not by the tech but the midwife. I guess she is not used to seeing a German uterus around here. ;)

I'll post the 12 weeks update this weekend also to catch up with all those days on the couch. More to come.


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