30 weeks

Saturday, February 09, 2013 Anya 0 Comments

Didn't like the 3 hour Glucose Test. I had to drink a bigger sugar drink of course and had to stay in the waiting room of the lab for 3 hours while they drew blood 4 times to measure the glucose level. This combined with the fact that I had to fast and it was early in morning made this a rather unpleasant experience but I did get through it better than I thought. I saw a lot of people coming and going during my 3 hour wait in the waiting room and met some nice people. Some people were complaining about their 15 minute wait and could not believe that I had to sit there for three hours. (That made 15 minutes sound rather easy I assume)

I could really do without this cold, but I guess my immune system is just really low like the doc said. I am trying to remember the daily vitamin at the moment and admit that I haven't been too good about taking it every single day.

We were so excited about our 3D/4D ultrasound appointment, however our little man didn't feel like it and instead was all balled up with his hands and legs in front of his face. We could see his little foot though. The technician was patient and we tried a couple of things but in the end it didn't work out. They offered us to come back in a week from now and try it again and hopefully it will work next time.

Mini weighs 3 pounds and 3 ounces now and his heartbeat was 146. He had the hiccups during the ultrasound and she confirmed with me that those rhythmic movements are indeed hiccups. I thought those were just kicks before but now I know how to distinguish it.

We will try it again next week when my sister in law is in town and hopefully he will let us take a sneak peek then. :)

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