Breakfast Ideas

Sunday, May 08, 2011 Anya 0 Comments

Sundays are wonderful and deserve a special breakfast treat! I love to mark recipes in my cooking books, search for new ideas online or rip whole pages out of magazines. In fact I have whole stacks of just papers with recipes that I plan to try out. It's probably already more than I could ever achieve if I started cooking day and night - but I guess I can just pick out the best ones then. One recipe that I found in my stack again lately is this recipe for Bacon, Egg and Toast Cups from Martha Stewart. If you know me, you know that I adore Martha. (If she pays her taxes! ;)) You can find the recipe here.

It was really easy since it bakes in the oven and seems to be a great idea for a brunch. I used whole-wheat burger buns which cuts out the time to cut circles of bread and makes it very easy. The bacon really only needs to go into a pan for a couple minutes, since it will bake more in the oven.

A great start into a cozy Sunday at home!

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